(originally sent September 21, 2014)
PEDAL PEOPLE NEWS SEPTEMBER 2014 Greetings from the Pedal People Press: ... a simple, informative newsletter to support our collective path to sustainability ... Contents: * Expanded Educational Offerings * Enterprise Farm Shares * Revised Mission Statement * Change to Pedal People emails * Trash Tip ** EXPANDED EDUCATIONAL OFFERINGS ** Our collective has long offered presentations and educational programs, mostly by request and word of mouth. In the past month we have presented at UMass, International Language Institute, and Mass MOCA. With our commitment to sustainability and community, we see it as an important expansion of our collective to more actively offer our engaging educational programs. If your school, business, or community program is interested, please contact our education coordinator, Ellen Clegg at eclegg@pedalpeople.coop ** ENTERPRISE FARM SHARES ** We have been collaborating with Enterprise Farm to provide home delivered CSA shares right to your doorstep in Northampton! Winter shares are also available! If you are interested in this service, visit our Enterprise Farm page: http://www.pedalpeople.coop/index.php?page=51 ** REVISED MISSION STATEMENT ** Our collective revised our Mission Statement this summer to best articulate our current purpose and direction: the pulse carrying us on our path to sustainability. After much hard work, here it is! "The Pedal People Cooperative uses bicycles and bicycle trailers to transport goods and provide services. We strive to model the use of human power as a viable alternative to fossil fuels. Recognizing that environmental sustainability is not possible without social equity, we work to challenge systems of oppression and unequal power, both within our collective and in the larger world. We aim for a work-life balance that enables us to pursue our interests and participate in our communities. Pedal People is committed to worker-ownership, and we share inspiration and education with others working to create a more just society." ** CHANGE TO PEDAL PEOPLE E-MAILS ** Please update your address books. We have changed our e-mails from @pedalpeople.com to @pedalpeople.coop. ** TRASH TIP ** Although maggot season has almost passed, we received a note of success from one of our customers! She started putting 1 small camphor ball in the bottom of her barrel every week and it's totally spotless. If you have any helpful tips to share, please email them to eclegg@pedalpeople.coop.